The App
After selecting the desired VGK configuration, entering the parapet width and height as well as other project-specific boundary conditions, the user receives the permissible width of influence of the VGK parapet brackets. The load bearing capacity of the anchor is already taken into account under approval-compliant boundary conditions.
Then the requested width of influence for the execution is entered.
For this existing width of influence, the effective anchor forces NSd [kN] and VSd [kN] are displayed in the results data sheet.
In addition, the results data sheet sums up all entered project boundary conditions as well as a comparison of the permissible and existing width of influence and can thus be used for project documentation.
Calculation basis
- DIN EN 12811: Temporary works equipment (04/2004)
- DIN EN 12812: Falsework - Performance requirements and general design (12/2004)
- DIN EN 1991-1-4: Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions - Wind actions (12/2010)
- Type test for VARIOKIT VGK Cantilevered Parapet Bracket (04/2016)
- Type calculation – Suspension Head VGK (03/2014)
- Verification report S-N 130297, LGA Nürnberg, 07.04.2016
- Additional calculations for the use of Bracket Post VGK 70 (ST_bts_2019/17031-1, ST_bts_2019/00502)
- PERI Design Information VARIOKIT VGK Cantilevered Parapet Bracket (04/2019)
- General Technical Approval PERI Anchor Sleeve M24 - Z-21.6-1768
- General Technical Approval PERI Screw-On Cone-2 M24/DW20 - Z-21.6-1766
- General Technical Approval PERI Adhesive Anchor - Z-21.8-2048
- General Technical Approval for alternative anchoring system - Nr. Z-21.6-1764
- Further calculations (ST_bts_2019/00503, ST_bts_2019/00508)
Additional information
- Instructions for Assembly and Use VGK Cantilevered Parapet Bracket
- PERI Tables 2015
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Contact: apps-tools.service@peri.de